Tuesday, December 30, 2008

weigh in 15

OMG! it seems as if every time i belly ache about over eating i lose weight! lol. goes to show you i totally under estimate the good things i do to my body.

but anyway, i weighed in today at 158.8 pounds! a shocking loss of 2.6 pounds. i'm skeptical about it though. cuz i felt starved before my meeting. lol. i usually eat before....but ah, it is a loss no matter what. maybe its all that wii-ing i did this week. trishia got a wii and so did my bro. i was hitting that up. lol

one down side about being in the 150's...i have lost a daily point! lol. i mean its only one point. but sometimes one point can make all the difference in your day. its ok though. i can manage with 22 points. plus, i'm a supporter of dipping into your weekly's.

but anyway, other than that nothing exciting has happened. i got offered to join the weight watchers team. maybe become a receptionist. i could use the part time money. i'm gonna check out an informational about it on january 11th. it should be interesting. and plus itll help me stay on plan.

so i added it up. and even though i gained a pound and a half the first week of december, all together for the month of december i've lost 6 pounds! woot! who says you can't lose weight during the holidays? ;)

anyway, happy new year!!! a new year and new goals to make. :)

Friday, December 26, 2008

3 days to make it right

i feel guilty for not eating so healthy this christmas week. now i have saturday, sunday and monday to make up for this with activity points. i have faith that i can stick to my 23 daily points and move a lot more than the past few days.

if at the end of these three days, on tuesday i weigh in and there is a gain, or some sort of maintenance then at least i know i truly tried this week. other wise, i'm gonna feel like a fat shlump. and there will be none of that! makes me depressed.

so since i seemed to have no control over what i put in my mouth these past few days...i'm going to turn to my book and try out 3 days of the weight watchers planned meals that they have for us. this way i wont have to think of having healthy meals. its all done for me!

ok i'm crossing my fingers. and sticking to this.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

weigh in 14, 10% reached!

*drum roll* I ACHIEVED MY 10 PERCENT GOAL!!!! *bows* man, i feel like i'm walking on air.

lol, i weighed in today at 161.4 pounds. a loss of 1.4 this week. wow. omg! how did i do it? i would really loooooove to know. i mean, what? i was like..."are you sure" when i saw the scale. but it really happened! i got my little key chain for accomplishing that too. its cute.

wow, so this week is definitely proof that eating all of you weekly points and doing close to no activity can still bring you success if you don't go so overboard with eating. i'm just so proud of myself. what a perfect christmas gift to myself.

alright, now i know i don't wanna see a gain on the scale for next week. it's christmas and i may indulge on dec 25th....hell i KNOW i will indulge. but that's what excercise and weeky points are for. i'm gonna do some yoga this week. just got my hair done cant sweat this out just yet. ha. i'm excited to bring in the new year with a smaller waistline. :)

ooo omg, i found these weight watchers peanut butter cups that tastes like reeses. which is my weakness! and its only 2 points! what? i need to purchase this in bulk!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

boo december

ugh, the holidays is not a time for weight loss. man, there is always something to detour you from making smart choices. lol. like cookies, and egg nog, and liqour, and every other jolly food! lol yes i know, we should have more will power. but sometimes its hard. i stayed the weekend out. i'm finally home. i was in long island for a few days and at my babes house for 2 other days. so that means i was out for 4 days. that is 4 days of trying to stay in points but doing a bad job by waking up late, eating bigger breakfast's and believing that the day was all down hill from there. plus, no activity, hardly any fruits and vegetables and no healthy oils in for atleast a week. *sigh*

i can't beat myself up about it because its inevitable. it is the holidays. i just don't want to go back to bad eating habits. last christmas season i gained almost 15 pounds from the holidays. i don't want that to happen again.

but anyway, i know for sure that the scale will not be my friend this tuesday coming up. but i'm going to try and get some activity in tonight and tomorrow during the day. i just hope i can atleast maintain and not go backwards. lol...i just gotta make it through christmas and new years! where is january! lord! lol

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

weigh in 13...omg christmas is next week!

i weighed in today at 162.8 pounds which is a loss this week of 0.6 of a pound.

i kind of expected more of a loss. i mean, i worked out. i may have used ALL of my weekly's but i felt like i put in work man. although, some days i just didn't care because i was sick. i ate things that were bad but i still counted them. but i'm not complaining too much. cuz i guess i still lost half of a pound. :) and plus i'm on my period. but damn, i'm only 0.4 of a pound away from my 10 percent goal! grrrr. i was so close.

but you know what? i'm happy to lose at all during the fattest month of the year. lol. can't believe next week is christmas already.

so i really do want to reach my 10 percent next week. i think that would be a nice mini goal to accomplish (and present) for christmas. i mean....0.4 of a pound? i can do that! right? lol. although, this upcoming weekend could hinder me. i have a christmas party this weekend and i will be with friends. and we know how those go. i'm gonna do my best though!

no matter what, 16 pounds down in december seems pretty sweet to me! last year this time i was almost 190. i feel good :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

new goal weight

so yesterday i had these jeans on that i'm wearing in the picture next to this. this picture is from my 21st birthday in march 2007. the jeans are a size 13/14 ish and yesterday i wore them and was able to slide them off with out unbuttoning or unzipping. they just slid down. so i'm uber excited to go to a mall and try on some jeans. cuz you know my true ultimate goal was to wear a size 10 jeans.

so my first goal was to weigh 160 pounds. (which is pretty much losing 10 percent of my body weight. and is what ww starts you off with as a first goal.) when i'm 17 pounds down i would have hit that milestone. (not too far) but i've officially changed my goal weight on weight watchers to 150 pounds. and i figure i may as well annouce my new goal. i'll be going to the mall sometime this weekend to see if i can squeeze my ass into a size 12. if so, then progress baby! on my way :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

meetings: surprisingly enjoyable

i was surfing through the official weight watchers myspace page and saw this. when i first joined weight watchers in september, i was really nervous. i never before joined a group of people who were trying to lose weight and talk about it. i didnt know if it was going to be like some AA meeting where i have to stand up and say something like "hi, i'm danielle....and i like food." lol.

i didnt know what to expect so i guess the unknown was the scary part for me. but that first day when i walked in and sat down and my leader asked all the "joining memebers" to introduce themselves and say why they wanna lose the weight, i thought "FUCK!!! i thought i didnt have to talk". i didn't want to be judged for wanting to lose weight and i'm also not one to talk in front of a bunch of a people. but i said it quickly and after that it wasnt painful. it was actually just a bunch of women sharing stories about why they want to lose weight and troubles they were having and any success they had that week.anyway, after the first meeting i never felt pressured to speak in the meetings again.

weigh-ins are another nerve racking thing for me because i like seeing success. and weighing in at a meeting makes me actually accountable for what i ate or how active i had been the last week. i like that about it, because i have a feeling if i weighed in at home....it wouldnt be the same. i'd probably check my weigh everyday and become obsessed with the scale. going to the meetings and weighing in actually makes me motivated to do good all week. i never want to disapoint myself (or the receptionist who records my weight every week lol). i like that it is also confidential and i've never heard someone say their actual weight in a meeting.

week after week after i saw some familiar faces it got easier to share a tip, or ask questions about things i was having trouble with on the program. and when you get to know members its like a little weight loss family you see once a week. we laugh, and share stories. and now it's something i actually look forward to going to!! so if you are someone who is hesitant about going to a meeting (which is only about 45 minutes a week by the way), i say just go! get it over with....and get the support. it's actually fun. :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

weigh in 12, momentum program

i weighed in today at 163.4 pounds. so that's a lost of 1.4 pounds this week! yayyyyyyyyy!!!! i basically lost most of the weight i put on during thanksgiving week. whew! even though i chomped on honey nut cheerios every night when i didnt have points. lol, bad! i'm never buying them again.....or if i do, i must measure it out. but i have to kinda thank my friend stacy. she let me into her gym for free yesterday and i did a good workout. i also did one of the workouts on the get moving mix that i bought from weight watchers. so i feel good about activity for last week. i'm going to keep that going. i'm just SO happy to have lost weight after i gained weight last week. :)

so weight watchers has this new program called the momentum program. we learned all about it today in our meeting. i like it cuz i have new book material and i get excited about these things. i'm a loser, lol i know. so far, week 1....its pretty much the same as my flex program. so not much of a change. but my leader told me to focus on filling foods this week (there's a list). so i'm going to do that.

i also toned this afternoon. with some weights and the weight watchers dvd. i think if i do that twice a week (tuesdays and thursdays) and get atleast 20 minutes of some activity in a day i can work up some activity points. so monday, wednesday, friday: cardio. tuesday, thursday: toning.

welp....i'm gonna go read up on the momentum program. this is exciting, its like another fresh new start!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

weigh in 11

i'm sad. it's my first gain. *sigh* i weighed in today at 164.8 pounds, which is a gain of 1.6 pounds! :(

totally self inflicted though. must learn from mistakes. i basically went crazy after thanksgiving and didnt track what i ate, had mad liqour, stayed in the house and didnt move much. it was the holidays. when i stepped on the scale i expected it. i didnt go too overboard, but i did over indulge. which is not so bad. i think the problem was that i also didnt get my fruits and vegetables and healthy oils in like pretty much at all this week. these do affect your weight loss.

but even though i'm sad that i gained a pound and some, it is pushing me to lose lose lose! i bought the weight watchers get moving mix cause lets face it, the only excercise i get for the week is walking to my weight watchers meetings on tuesdays. basically nothing! i need to move and get back in gear. i am too close to my first goal to become lax now.

so this week: no dipping into the weekly's and i'm going to try the get moving mix. i think i might do it tonight actually. i'm actually a little glad i gained something. i needed something to push me more, because i was definately settling into this 'i'm ok, i dont need to lose more weight thing'. NO! i want to meet my goal. no matter how long it takes and how many mistakes i make, i'll get there.

i entered my weight in my tracker on the weight watchers website and it said:

So, you gained a little bit this week.

Is this what you expected? If so, today's a great day to make a fresh start. If you're stumped, talk with your Leader to assess your week and get advice on how you can make some changes to get back on track for next week.

Good luck in the coming week.

that's why i like weight watchers....so you had a lil set back. keep going!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

weigh in 10, happy (almost) thanksgving!

another careless week. hmm maybe not so careless though. i did pretty much record most of what i ate and tried to stay in the range of portions i should have. but i definitely drank almost every night last week and had cake and shit. but guess what. i weighed in at 163.2 pounds! (a loss of 1.8 pounds) haaaaa. i cant even say maybe its activity because the most activity i did all week was walking to the fridge. i did nothing cause i felt all tired from my period. hmmm. so. i'm 16 pounds down and i'll hit my 10 % body weight at 161.3 pounds. which is not far! so it's coming soon, yay!!!and my goal is 160...psht. thats changing, i'm not satisfied! i know what i need to do though.....tone. i'm just having a hard tme trying to start.

so this week is thanksgiving week. its sometimes scary to think of the holidays because usually thats when we all gain weight and then try on new years to lose it. im determined to atleast maintain my weight this week. i mean, thanksgiving is only one day....and i dont eat that much anyway. i'm only really into ham and sweet potatoes...oo and pie! i'm looking forward to that. so every other day of the week i'm just making sure to stay within my daily points so i can save my 35 weekly points for thursday. this way if i make some sort of slip, i wont feel guilty about it on thursday.

i really want to increase my fruits and vegetables intake also. on a good day i usually get about 3 servings. i'm supposed to get 5. so i'm gonna try and get them in better. gotta look up ways to do that....alrighty. it's bed time. night!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

weigh in 9

stupid period. gotta blame myself too though. i didn't do my best this week because i was all willy nilly with not writing my food down and eating out almost every night. can't be doing that though. not only can i not afford it but neither can my health. anyhoo. i weighed in at 165 pounds on the dot. so i lost 0.4 of a pound...in weight watchers that's half a pound.

i'm hoping i'm just bloated and not showing real weight loss. i'll see if there are results by next week. but i'm soooooo close to 15 pounds down and my 10 percent. woot! still motivated to do better...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

weigh in 8 + no more blt's + new recipe!

man, i complain about nothin. i don't know how i loss this week. maybe it was the dancing....i duno. i dont understand the science. but i love it! so i weighed in today (well yesterday since it's after midnight) at 165.4 which is a loss of 1.8 pounds this week. after i overate, had chocolate, cake, margaritas. soooo bad! lol. but hey, i don't know what i did. but i need to still make improvements ofcourse.

i think one of my downfalls is my blt's. in weight watchers blt's are: bites licks and tastes! yes they count depending on what you are tasting. so i'm gonna challenge myself not to bite, taste, or lick random things and just eat the food in front of me that was made for me. just so i see if there is a difference it will make.

today i was so excited about losing after being a pig, that i decided to try another rachael ray recipe. i made rachael ray's turkey sweet potato shepperd's pie. man it was goooood. ofcourse i tweaked it a bit to make it more figure friendly. it came out to about 10 points for a huge slice, 5 for half a slice. anyhoo...i need to make even more and more recipes. why am i obsessed with food network and cooking now? lol.

photos of the process (lol):

(my piece!)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

i probably shouldnt be up right now.....

...but i can't sleep and i might as well blog about my bad times. lol. so the guy im seein made breakfast for me this morning...well really yesterday morning, but my day has yet to end. so anyway it turned out to be 11 points!!! leaving me with 12 points left for the day. which was fine at the time.

for lunch i had a 5 point salad. then time went by and i didnt eat dinner. we were at dave and busters at midnight and i was hungry so i split an appetizer with him. it was a crispy chicken mini burgers..small so i figure it couldnt be that much but now i fear it is. plus i had 10 french fries which is 5 points :( and then i had a margarita! which im sure was like 10 points because of the amount of ounces. i went waaaay into my weekly points. i think i only have 6 left. so im scared i either gained this week or won't lose anything at all (which would be better than gaining)

i just hope it turns out ok. can't psych myself out because i had one bad day. but i wish i had more willpower when i eat out. but anyhoo, i have 2 more full days before my weigh in day....so i'm gonna make good light meals full of fruits and veggies! anyway, i'm gonna hit the hay....

Thursday, November 6, 2008


sometimes, to get motivated i look back at pictures. this was taken in late May of 2008 when i felt so sluggish and my tummy was always hidden behind those pregnant top shirts and dresses. i'm so happy i started weight watchers. me and trish look/feel better. :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

weigh in 7

stepped on the scale today and it read: 167.2 pounds! whew. so wow, a week goes by mad fast! i didn't even really get to my challenge. this week i'm continuing the same challenge of activity since i didn't achieve it.

but this week, man i craved fat ass food. and i kept tasting things. lol, so basically i'm happy that i still basically lost. and it's november 4th, and i'm still in the 160's! so i feel good about that. now i'm officially 7 pounds away from my [first] goal and 5.9 pounds away from reaching my 10%. my goal is really close to my 10 percent, i know. but i'm calling it my first goal because i'll talk with my leader when i get there and see where to go from there.

i've been watching thanksgiving things on food network and i wanna see how i can make atleast one figure friendly thanksgiving dish. i don't mind eating the fattening things as long as its well portiened but i think it will be fun to make a new dish that tastes good and is good for you.

so that makes 12 pounds down! i wonder if i can hit my goal by the new year.....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

weigh in 6 + new activity challenge

reaching my girls early man!! so i weighed in today at 168 pounds! that's a (shocking) loss of 4.4 pounds this week! woot! woot! i'm in the 160's even before halloween! all smiles baby!

so last week i only ate rice on one occasion. i usually had rice a few times a week. so i cut that out and i followed my oil challenge! i also went dancing on friday night. so i earned some activity points while having fun. and i did not drink during the week. i'm a lil scared that this 4 pound thing is a fluke. lol. cuz i usually wear jeans to my weigh ins and today i wore spandex. but i don't think jeans adds so many pounds to the scale anyway. i'll take it as it is and keep following my success.

this weeks challenge is activity! i usually get activity by walking to the store (15 minutes) and doing slight weight lifting. (not much.) i'm gonna try and get double the amount of activity points i usually get in a week. i usually get about 3 so i'm working on 6 activity points this week. time to pull out the old DDR again.

you know what i'm scared of? that i'll reach my goal weight and i won't be satisfied. i'm officially 8 pounds away from my goal weight and i don't feel like i look that much different. my waste is smaller but to me, that's about it. i need to tone more. so i can see the difference in my thighs which will change my actual jeans size. that's when i know that i have success. when i go into a store and i'm not looking for a size 14 jeans. i'm not sure if i'll ever get to size 10 because i have wide hips and maybe my body wasn't made for that size....but i'm sure i can get to a 12. my jeans are already fitting loose on me. :) but anyway, when i reach my goal, then i will re-assess a new goal. it just might be 150-155. i'll see when i get there.

anyway, good begining of the week so far, i'm happy!!!!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

rachael ray, chicken brajole!

mmm. so i've told you i've been obsessed with food network lately. lol. so the other night i decided to be all domestic. i cleaned and then decided to try out this 30 minute meal rachael ray was cooking up. she said it's "figure friendly" so i thought i should try it. chicken brajole is basically stuffed chicken. but this was stuffed with a stuffing of whole wheat bread, parmesan cheese, and parsley. i put the recipe in the weight watchers thingy and it ended up being 5 points for the chicken. i also added a cup of whole wheat pasta (3 points) and had a cup of spinach and diced tomatoes on the side. talk about yummy!!! and so filling....and an 8 point dinner is great for me. :) i felt very proud of cooking for myself. plus i had some left over for lunch the next day. my mom was also uber excited because she loves when i get domesticated (so i can learn for my children she says, ha!).

well anyway, that was my new dish for the week. i've been keeping up with my challenge of my daily oil intake. i find that if i have it at around lunch time i wont forget to factor it in later....so this week: so far so good. i havent been drinking! except for last night, cuz it was friday. lol. i havent banned myself on the weekends. but it was all pointed. i had a vodka tonic (3 points) and a korona light (2 points). all in all. i feel good about this week so far.

i gotta get my activity points in though....although...i danced last night. maybe that counts. i'm sure it does.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

weigh in 5 + challenges

my weight today on the dreaded scale was 172.4. which was a loss of 0.2 of a pound.....basically the same weight to me. so young carter go harder, go farther!!! LOL. naa....but its time to really push myself.

my leader has given us all a 10 week challenge thingy because there are 10 more weeks till january! can ya believe it? yeah. so along with my goal of being in the 160's by November 4th, i'm going to follow my leaders challenges every week. this week's challenge: get healthy oils in. i sometimes forget or am not sure if i get enough of my oils. so i'm gonna do that challenge this week.

also, i have found that a problem for me with weight loss is my liqour intake. i have basically had a glass of wine or a beer almost everyday. i don't wanna say i have a drinking problem. cause i don't. but i do go out a lot, or hang out....and when i'm with others there are usually drinks. so instead of just giving in and drinking, now i'm gonna go cold turkey on the weekdays. because it's definetly affecting my weight loss goals and i don't need to drink like that anyway.

even though i didn't lose much weight today, i felt really good when i left my meeting because i realize people are going through my struggles and you can get feedback from others and tips and just support. and you're not judged and you just feel better when you leave no matter what little success you had. so i felt ok about losing 0.2 of a pound. and i feel so motivated to even go harder.

ooo....i have been totally obsessed with food network lately. i have to try and make one of the healthier dishes....so this week, it's on. can't wait to see how it goes. :)


so today is weigh in day. in about an hour actually. and i feel really bloated cuz my period should be starting tomorrow. i wonder if that will affect the numbers on the scale. i'm not gonna panick or anything though.

but i know this. by halloween...i need to be in the 160's. so for the rest of october i'm pushing myself to eat better and move more. i have 10 days till halloween. although i won't know what my progress will be till the tuesday after halloween which is nov 4th (election day!). so November 4th is really the moment of truth. lol. it'll be my 7th weigh in.

anyway, im gonna get myself all set. i'll blog about my weigh in later.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

non scale victory!

april 2008
ok....woooh. i feel so proud of me. lol. i have a victory to share. last night i was trying on some outfits in my closet to wear to this lounge i went to last night. and i tried on this green dress. (the dress in the picture, which was taken in april of this year.)

i remembered the last time i put that dress on it was like skin tight. and my friend had to zip me up and i had to suck it in! lol. not this time....around my waste was like super baggy! yay! so even if my weight has not significantly gone down so much, my inches are changing. which makes me happy! *dances around*

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

weigh in 4

ok, so my weigh in for today is 172.6 pounds. which is a LOSS (whew) of 0.6 of a pound this week.

so i'm so happy to have lost. especially since i've been eating junk and going over my points and into my weekly's. but i have to learn to say NO! people offer me food all the time and then i sometimes end up taking it and having to point it. especially now that i'm going out with this new guy (he doesn't know bout ww yet) and we eat out. i say little things like "i'm on a diet" but still like last night we went to this sports bar. i had a burger. which was fine and right in my points. but then, i also had 4 hot wings and half a beer after. badddd. lol.

this losing weight thing is hard. i've known forever. but it's definately a change of mind set and learning limits also.

oo for dinner i wanted spaghetti and meat sauce but i found a better way to make it for only 6 points. a cup of whole wheat pasta and lean ground turkey with tomato sauce (spinach on the side). oo it was yummy!

so when i get down about not losing enough weight for a certain week i think: look how far i've come after all ! when i graduated in may i weighed 187 pounds. and now i'm 172. that's 15 pounds! way to go me. :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

must learn from mistakes

i'm not feeling good about this week. :( and i was so jazzed about my loss of 3 pounds. lol.

it's just that i feel like i've been eating junk. even though it's still within my points. like i had half a meatball sub. and it's 6 points. but it felt so sinful. i don't wanna feel like i'm cheating. because there is literally no such thing as cheating in ww. it's about choices really. but i didn't like my choices this week.

yesterday i went to six flags. i was pretty good. but i had a hot dog and tasted funnel cake. i pointed it and added in activity for walking around the park all day so it all added up pretty fine. but i don't feel like i had enough good stuff even though i had my carrots, applesauce, and grapes throught out the day. i guess i'll see on tuesday if anything has changed and i'll learn from mistakes.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

weigh in 3 + video!

so, hit a milestone today! i'm 6 pounds down overall! my current weight is 173.2. that's a loss of 3.6 pounds this week! yay! yay! *dances around* i don't know how i did it. but i'm gonna keep doing it.

i walked a lot this week! i was back and forth at target and rainbow. and i live like 15 minutes walking time from these stores. and i must have been there 4 times this week. so walking back and forth got me moving finally.

i did drink this week (but i fit it into my points and i didn't o.d). and had my mom's soup that she always makes. so i had to put every ingredient in the ww thing online to see how many points it is. but since i hit my 5 pounds milestone this week i bought a food scale. so now no more guessing of how much i'm eating, i'll know the exact amount. thank god! it's so worth it.

oo and two new things i tried this week: weight watchers ice cream (to die for) and fiber one oats and chocolate bar. two new staples in my weightloss journey. lol. good for when i'm on my period or if i'm feeling for something sweet and chocolate.

i don't know how i lost more than 3 pounds this week. but it has given me a high on life! lol.

but man, i really want an activity routine. my bones are aching but they ache because they need more movement. i'm really happy and i'm gonna go spread my joy!

in the mean time watch my lil video of my first milestone:

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

weigh in 2

another loss this week! hurrah! my current weight is 176.8 (a loss of 1.6).

so this week, i tried to add activity. i wanted to really get out my tapes and start excerising. but this week has also been crazy in my house. there is litterally no space to move or maneuver anywhere. good thing is now i have wood floors in my bed room and a new wall color (light blue). but i have been walking more because i've gone out with friends more this week, and i've been counting them as activity points (who knew they were!).

my meeting this week was so inspiring. as a group all together we lost 25 pounds this week. (and the group is relatively small. about 15 of us) which is great cause WW is having this lose for good campaign where they donate food for very pound lost so you feel like you are also apart of a good cause while getting healthy and losing weight.

let's see, so along with being more active this week, i also want to watch my sodium intake as well as try one new dish! i'm gonna check out the weight watchers recipes and see what they got. :)

another thing, a little less drinking. i've drank 3 days out of my last week and i know that drinking slows down your metabolism. so i'm gonna try and cut back or at least plan better for when i do go out and party so i don't go over my points or so i don't feel guilty for drinking. cuz hey, this is a lifestyle change. i'm gonna drink in my life time, i just have to find out how to fit it in. :)

Friday, September 26, 2008


so yesterday me and trish went to the city to you know just chill and walk around. so we got to the city at like 4. we went to applebee's and got our good points in. lol.

then we continued to walk. and 5 hours later, i thought my legs were literally about to fall off!!! we must have walked for like 4 hours straight all around soho and what not. i put that in and it's like a zillion activity points. lol, but i'm not sure how to count it. so i just put in for 2 hours of leisure walking. but i'm sure it was much more than that. when i say that my legs burned! man! i have been bed ridden too long. lol. i gotta get moving again!

ooo....ok so this weekend, totally pulling out my ddr and my taebo tapes. yay, activity!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

weigh in 1: the results are in!

so i weighed in today at 178.4 which is a loss of 0.8 pounds. when i saw that i was actually a bit relieved. i swore i had gained. because my eating habits have really changed since i've started the program. (i eat more!)

pre weight watchers (for about a month). i would wake up hours after noon and possibly play the sims. and not eat until i remember to eat. and eat whatever junk i can make up or buy. so since joining i've been eating much more. and i'm definitely right now on pre-period mode. lol. my breasts feel heavy and i feel very bloated. ugh!! i wish it would just come already. ha!

so i look at my loss as success! i've begun to change my eating habits and i didnt even work out so i wasn't expecting some huge loss. but little by little i'll be reaching my goals.

this week my new challenge is to add activity. i've had cindy crawford exercise tapes and taebo tapes for years so i'm gonna see if i can put that to use. also...i might try and take a walk for 15 minutes. anything to get me moving! especially because i hate feeling sluggish. i hope i get a job soon so i can join the Y or any place that has the elliptical.

anyway, so i'm gonna keep going. dinner time now. :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

should definately be asleep....

but i needed to find out how to incorporate the healthy oils into my diet. i was having a lil problem. because i just wasn't having them. so i went on the weight watchers boards and found out how.

1) Cook with it, Alot of recipes start off with oil in the skillet
2) Mix up a marinade for meats and/or veggies
3) Mix it with meat sauces, or most sauces
4) Sautee with it.
5) Drizzle over pasta
6) Drizzle over popcorn
7) Drizzle over veggies
8) Drizzle over pizza
9) Drizzle over corn on the cob
10) Drizzle some over fat free cheese(it helps melt better)
11) Mix up some salad dressing (like olive oil and balsamic vinegar)
12) Rub it on poultry or fish before baking it
13) Rub it on meats for the spices and/or rubs have something to stick to
14) Rub some on a baked potato
15) Grill sandwiches
16) Stry Fry veggies
17) Coat some homemade baked fries
18) Makes garlic toast, (oil and garlic on bread toast)
19) Add some to soups
20) Add some to smoothies
21) Mix 2 tsps olive oil to fat-free salad dressing
22) Add to anything that is fat-free. instead of the fat, you're replacing it with healthy oils
23) Roast veggies with oil
24) Mix conola oil to oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, soups
25) put some in salsa
26) If you eat frozen dinners, drizzle some over it.
27) make some Herb or Spice Infused Oil, (for dipping or cooking)
28) Mix in some Butter Buds or Molly McButter, You'll have butter flavored oils.
29) mix some in the new PB2 peanut butter flour that alot are trying. (you're replacing the fat with healthy oils)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

the end of day 2

so it's been not so bad so far. the first day i woke up late. (man!) but i still followed my daily points (of 26) and went shopping at target for some things i needed. so excited using my weight watchers point calculator and figuring how much everything was. eek! lol.

ugh, but then today. i had breakfast right. and i felt fine and satisfied until 2 hours later when i felt like i was going to collapse. like i was famished or something. lol. but i guess i just need more bulky breakfasts. i had 3/4 of the kashi heart to heart cereal with 1/2 a cup of fat free milk. i also had 1 small pear and some vanilla chai tea with one tbsp of sugar and 2 tbsp of carnation milk. so all in all that was 6 points. i need more bulky things in the morning though, like oatmeal. i guess it's all about seeing what fits.

and then later i went to friday's. i wanted to go to applebee's because they have specific meals made for weight watchers....but someone wanted to go elsewhere. so i looked at their lighter meal options. and i had the dragonfire chicken. which in the end didn't turn out so bad because i had 13 more points left and when i got home i calculated the meal to be 11 points. so it all went good.

i'm just panicking because i'm hoping im doing this right. i didn't get my healthy oils in but i did drink enough water, i had my multi-vitamin, and my dairy. so far good 2 first days!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

first day of the weight watchers journey

hey guys or really anyone reading this!

i've decided to start a blog about my weight loss journey because in the past i found that it has helped me to write down (or in this case, type) what i'm either eating, how i am exercising or keeping active and any other tid bits of how i'm losing weight.

so today was my first weight watchers meeting. i walked to it, so that should be activity points! lol but anyway. i enjoyed it. i talked a little. it's a small group. i walked in and they were talking about positive thinking. so anyway i stayed at the end to sign up. i got the monthly pass because it seemed more practical than paying every week (and you save mula!)

my initial starting weight is 179.2 lbs and i am 5 foot 7 inches. when i saw that i was like "huh?", because at the beginning of the summer i weighed 187 pounds. since the summer started i did start my usual "i need to lose weight kick" and i started walking in the park with my friend Stacy off and on. but then we stopped. but i was still mindful of what i ate and by august 1st i weighed 181 pounds. but since then i haven't been active at all. i've been sitting in front of my computer, staying up all hours of the night and eating whatever i felt like putting in my mouth. so i don't see how i got to 179. but good, it's a starting point of even more success! :)

so let me give a little background for anyone interested. i've already shared my weight and height. so let's see. i'm 22 years old. i'm african american. i'm also a recent college graduate from Hofstra University (looking to go to grad school soon, or a job please lord!). i've always been what some would call thick or chubby. i feel like i've been dieting my whole life. as a teenager i would try fad diets because i didn't know any better (even up to now actually). you name it, i may have tried it. a year ago i tried nutrisystem for a month. i ended up losing 10 pounds but the food was disgusting and it was very expensive to keep up that lifestyle. i even tried fatloss4idiots.com. this was a few years ago. i probably lost mostly water weight but i enjoyed the fad diet at the time. i have also tried the grape fruit diet and so on....so basically, i've been there and done that and i didn't get very far anywhere! so finally i joined a program that is less like a diet and more like life style changes. i've definitely learned something through the other diets though. weight doesn't magically disappear. and it doesn't take 10 days to lose 10 pounds! it's a gradual process.

for a long time i've been debating joining weight watchers. i've had a free login on the site since august of 2002! isnt that crazy? so finally, i took the plunge and now i am a real member! my friend, trish joined 2 weeks before me and we decided to log our weight loss on youtube. here's the link to the channel: youtube.com/beautyishername22. watch!

i hate when...

people tell me i should not lose weight, and that i'm fine.

losing weight is a personal choice for me, and in the process i want to be healthy so i feel better and live longer. high blood pressure is in my family and i don't want to get it. i was told by doctors to watch my weight.

people say i can't see you any smaller, you'll look anorexic!

i definitely won't look anorexic. i'll look normal, and as i adjust to it, so shall you.

habits i'd like to kick:
eating because i'm bored
eating at 2 am...or when i SHOULD be sleeping

goals (long term):
weigh 160 (weight watchers says 147)
fit into a size 10 jeans
feel healthier

goal for this week:

waking up in the morning! (ever since i finished school this august i've been sleeping till 1 or 2 or even like a few days ago 4 pm!) that's so not good for my body. so i want to kick that habit.

so through this blog, i'll log my weight loss success, hard times, good times, what i'm eating and how i'm feeling about it. thanks if you are a supporter! i'm excited for this new journey! feel free to give me any tips or advice. :)