Sunday, December 21, 2008

boo december

ugh, the holidays is not a time for weight loss. man, there is always something to detour you from making smart choices. lol. like cookies, and egg nog, and liqour, and every other jolly food! lol yes i know, we should have more will power. but sometimes its hard. i stayed the weekend out. i'm finally home. i was in long island for a few days and at my babes house for 2 other days. so that means i was out for 4 days. that is 4 days of trying to stay in points but doing a bad job by waking up late, eating bigger breakfast's and believing that the day was all down hill from there. plus, no activity, hardly any fruits and vegetables and no healthy oils in for atleast a week. *sigh*

i can't beat myself up about it because its inevitable. it is the holidays. i just don't want to go back to bad eating habits. last christmas season i gained almost 15 pounds from the holidays. i don't want that to happen again.

but anyway, i know for sure that the scale will not be my friend this tuesday coming up. but i'm going to try and get some activity in tonight and tomorrow during the day. i just hope i can atleast maintain and not go backwards. lol...i just gotta make it through christmas and new years! where is january! lord! lol

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