Friday, July 17, 2009

weigh in 43

so last week i had no weigh in. and this week i weighed in but just have been either occupied with someone else, tired, or just lazy to do a video or come on the internet and post my stats. so here it is. i weighed in at 157.8 pounds. that is a gain of 2.2 pounds! i was surprised it wasnt more. really. i know what i ate. it shoudl have been more. good thing i exercise.

but anyway, it was from 2 weeks of bad eating, bbq's, and just over all fail to prepare. now that i'm in my second week of work i know what to bring to work and my routine is now down packed! so i feel a whole lot better this week. i havent been going to the gym as often as i'd like. (blame that on standing in line for hours to see harry potter, ha!) but i've gone twice this week so far. and my goal is atleast 3 times a week. and i have this weekend to gain some more activity. i feel great this week! my body feels loose and not stiff. my spirits are up! and i'm just happy even though the scale did me wrong, lol.

here's to a great weigh in next tuesday! happy weekend!

Monday, July 6, 2009

tired, dehydrated, cafeeinated out!!!

so today was my first day at my internship. and its all my fault that i'm tired. i couldnt sleep last night. i went to bed at 1. and woke up earlier than my alarm. so i prob had about 4 and a half hours of sleep.

i have eaten within my points. but i just feel icky. because i had three cups of coffee today and lack of sleep. i feel like when i'm extra tired, coffee doesnt help. and my body hurts from who knows what. because i havent really been gyming it hard this past week. at all. probably my evil period. which is also adding to the ickyness.

but now that i have a structured schedule of actually waking up in the wee morning and going to a place of work i have to figue out when i'm going to the gym. and i have to plan better for what to bring to work also. so that i eat better and not go outside and waste money on crapola food.

yup, off to it i go. because id like to be asleep in 1 hour....

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

weigh in 41

so, first time ever that i've actually maintained my exact weight. i weighed in yesterday at 155.6 pounds. no gain, no loss. wow. so i guess i ate enough food to sustain my weight. but i also worked out 5 days. duno what happened. but i'm not complaining. so i started June off at in the month of June i lost 3 pounds! yay, here's to more weight loss!

oo, i got a paid internship. i got the call this afternoon and i start monday. so elated!!!! now i'll have an actual schedule. so i have to see where working out fits in and which new meeting i want to go to. i may still be able to make my weight watchers meeting because they moved it to 6:30 now in a different place. i'll see. cuz the meeting i went to in the city yesterday was at 6 and i really liked the leader. maybe i'll switch off and on.

anyhoo.....hope i lose this week. even though its 4th of july. and you know them bbq's! damn summer and their yummy foods. just have to find alternatives and be prepared when i get to the bbq. :)