Wednesday, June 30, 2010

weighed in yesterday

so I weighed in yesterday at 163.8 lbs @ WW! woo hoo! down 3.8! I never thought I'd be happy to be in like the lower 160's. But whatever, it's progress and closer to the 150's again.

i was soo not gonna go to the meeting. i think sometimes i talk myself into being a lazy ass. i was like "wah wah i know i'm prob the same weight cuz i ate like shit for some days and blah blah". but i went and was down. smh, i need to give myself more credit. yes, i went OVER my weeklys by 4 points. but I also worked out 4 days doing couch to 5k. much better than doing absolutely nothing as i've been doing in the past.

anyway, i'm trying to tackle my eating this week. i mean, its not been perfect but i'm not looking to be perfect. i'm looking to well atleast first get back in the swing of things. you know, staying within my points (its been AGES leme tell ya) and feeling good about my choices. it doesnt have to be super healthy or super clean. but better than it has been.

hmm....i duno. i just have to trust that if i keep up working out and eating better i will lose. and it will come off. and i have to be positive about this experience or else i'll get no where. these past 6 months have proven that.

positive! positve! positive! i am beautiful today even with this extra jiggle!!


Nicci said...

Just came across your youtube page and saw your blog. I just joined WW this weekend. Good luck on your journey.

Lera said...

thanks! you to girl!