Tuesday, February 3, 2009

weigh in 20

the results are in! i weighed in today at 155.6 pounds. which is a loss of 1 whole pound this week. which is what i was aiming for. woot!

so the simply filling technique really does work. hehe. i recommend it to anyone who wants a break from tracking and portioning. you just have to know your body signals and when you are full.

i have really started slacking off on my exercise though. and what do you know i walk in to my weight watchers meeting today and the book i get is "book 9: beyond walking". for the past 2 weeks i have only done my exercise video once. once! in two weeks. i used to do it at least 3 times. i still get my walking in because of my dog and the fact that i pretty much try to walk everywhere i go. but besides that i'd really love to have an exercise routine. i would join a gym but i don't have the money for that at this time. so i'm going to stick to my dvd's and walking until i'm able to join. but sometimes its hard to push yourself to exercise when you are sitting at home. but i must make it a routine!

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