Tuesday, June 22, 2010

i hate the scale

So I went to WW today and weighed in at 167.6. The last time i was there i was 163 point something. That was late May. So kudos to me for going back. But wtf....so mad. Hate the scale. But whatever we'll see what happens next week.

I worked out 5 days last week and I also made better food choices. It wasnt perfect but I didnt drink (except for on the weekend like in the old days) and I tracked everything. Over all I feel good about how my week went. Which is why the scale is such a bummer. But you know what, the scale will catch up to my good doings.

Also, this may be a lil TMI but my body is so out of wack. Last Monday I took Plan B. (You've heard of it before I'm sure.) So anyhoo...this past Sunday I started bleeding like a period. And I had just recently finished my period so I'm thinking the hormones inside my body is on crack or something. I've been bleeding for 3 days as of now like its a period. I'm going to check with my doctor but I'm sure I'm fine. Just out of wack. So I think it has to do with my weight. Because I also feel heavier and bloated like I'm on my cycle because of the bleeding and such. So eh, maybe that has to do with what the scale says now.

So this week I'm doing the Couch 2 5K again. I feel so good everytime I finish a session. I started week 2 yesterday and I'm continuing on. I ran for 90 seconds and walked for 2 minutes of intervals for 20 minutes. Building my way back up to sexy. Lol. I can feel the difference in my energy and my mood and even in the way I walk now. I'm not as sluggish as I was. I feel good.

Hoping for a loss next week! *crosses fingers*

1 comment:

RoSi said...

yeah sounds like its still working through your system so i wouldnt worry too much about it. i wouldn't say i hate the scale but thinking about numbers is too much for me sometimes. it is awesome that you are back on track for you and focusing on your goals.