Tuesday, September 30, 2008

weigh in 2

another loss this week! hurrah! my current weight is 176.8 (a loss of 1.6).

so this week, i tried to add activity. i wanted to really get out my tapes and start excerising. but this week has also been crazy in my house. there is litterally no space to move or maneuver anywhere. good thing is now i have wood floors in my bed room and a new wall color (light blue). but i have been walking more because i've gone out with friends more this week, and i've been counting them as activity points (who knew they were!).

my meeting this week was so inspiring. as a group all together we lost 25 pounds this week. (and the group is relatively small. about 15 of us) which is great cause WW is having this lose for good campaign where they donate food for very pound lost so you feel like you are also apart of a good cause while getting healthy and losing weight.

let's see, so along with being more active this week, i also want to watch my sodium intake as well as try one new dish! i'm gonna check out the weight watchers recipes and see what they got. :)

another thing, a little less drinking. i've drank 3 days out of my last week and i know that drinking slows down your metabolism. so i'm gonna try and cut back or at least plan better for when i do go out and party so i don't go over my points or so i don't feel guilty for drinking. cuz hey, this is a lifestyle change. i'm gonna drink in my life time, i just have to find out how to fit it in. :)

Friday, September 26, 2008


so yesterday me and trish went to the city to you know just chill and walk around. so we got to the city at like 4. we went to applebee's and got our good points in. lol.

then we continued to walk. and 5 hours later, i thought my legs were literally about to fall off!!! we must have walked for like 4 hours straight all around soho and what not. i put that in and it's like a zillion activity points. lol, but i'm not sure how to count it. so i just put in for 2 hours of leisure walking. but i'm sure it was much more than that. when i say that my legs burned! man! i have been bed ridden too long. lol. i gotta get moving again!

ooo....ok so this weekend, totally pulling out my ddr and my taebo tapes. yay, activity!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

weigh in 1: the results are in!

so i weighed in today at 178.4 which is a loss of 0.8 pounds. when i saw that i was actually a bit relieved. i swore i had gained. because my eating habits have really changed since i've started the program. (i eat more!)

pre weight watchers (for about a month). i would wake up hours after noon and possibly play the sims. and not eat until i remember to eat. and eat whatever junk i can make up or buy. so since joining i've been eating much more. and i'm definitely right now on pre-period mode. lol. my breasts feel heavy and i feel very bloated. ugh!! i wish it would just come already. ha!

so i look at my loss as success! i've begun to change my eating habits and i didnt even work out so i wasn't expecting some huge loss. but little by little i'll be reaching my goals.

this week my new challenge is to add activity. i've had cindy crawford exercise tapes and taebo tapes for years so i'm gonna see if i can put that to use. also...i might try and take a walk for 15 minutes. anything to get me moving! especially because i hate feeling sluggish. i hope i get a job soon so i can join the Y or any place that has the elliptical.

anyway, so i'm gonna keep going. dinner time now. :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

should definately be asleep....

but i needed to find out how to incorporate the healthy oils into my diet. i was having a lil problem. because i just wasn't having them. so i went on the weight watchers boards and found out how.

1) Cook with it, Alot of recipes start off with oil in the skillet
2) Mix up a marinade for meats and/or veggies
3) Mix it with meat sauces, or most sauces
4) Sautee with it.
5) Drizzle over pasta
6) Drizzle over popcorn
7) Drizzle over veggies
8) Drizzle over pizza
9) Drizzle over corn on the cob
10) Drizzle some over fat free cheese(it helps melt better)
11) Mix up some salad dressing (like olive oil and balsamic vinegar)
12) Rub it on poultry or fish before baking it
13) Rub it on meats for the spices and/or rubs have something to stick to
14) Rub some on a baked potato
15) Grill sandwiches
16) Stry Fry veggies
17) Coat some homemade baked fries
18) Makes garlic toast, (oil and garlic on bread toast)
19) Add some to soups
20) Add some to smoothies
21) Mix 2 tsps olive oil to fat-free salad dressing
22) Add to anything that is fat-free. instead of the fat, you're replacing it with healthy oils
23) Roast veggies with oil
24) Mix conola oil to oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, soups
25) put some in salsa
26) If you eat frozen dinners, drizzle some over it.
27) make some Herb or Spice Infused Oil, (for dipping or cooking)
28) Mix in some Butter Buds or Molly McButter, You'll have butter flavored oils.
29) mix some in the new PB2 peanut butter flour that alot are trying. (you're replacing the fat with healthy oils)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

the end of day 2

so it's been not so bad so far. the first day i woke up late. (man!) but i still followed my daily points (of 26) and went shopping at target for some things i needed. so excited using my weight watchers point calculator and figuring how much everything was. eek! lol.

ugh, but then today. i had breakfast right. and i felt fine and satisfied until 2 hours later when i felt like i was going to collapse. like i was famished or something. lol. but i guess i just need more bulky breakfasts. i had 3/4 of the kashi heart to heart cereal with 1/2 a cup of fat free milk. i also had 1 small pear and some vanilla chai tea with one tbsp of sugar and 2 tbsp of carnation milk. so all in all that was 6 points. i need more bulky things in the morning though, like oatmeal. i guess it's all about seeing what fits.

and then later i went to friday's. i wanted to go to applebee's because they have specific meals made for weight watchers....but someone wanted to go elsewhere. so i looked at their lighter meal options. and i had the dragonfire chicken. which in the end didn't turn out so bad because i had 13 more points left and when i got home i calculated the meal to be 11 points. so it all went good.

i'm just panicking because i'm hoping im doing this right. i didn't get my healthy oils in but i did drink enough water, i had my multi-vitamin, and my dairy. so far good 2 first days!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

first day of the weight watchers journey

hey guys or really anyone reading this!

i've decided to start a blog about my weight loss journey because in the past i found that it has helped me to write down (or in this case, type) what i'm either eating, how i am exercising or keeping active and any other tid bits of how i'm losing weight.

so today was my first weight watchers meeting. i walked to it, so that should be activity points! lol but anyway. i enjoyed it. i talked a little. it's a small group. i walked in and they were talking about positive thinking. so anyway i stayed at the end to sign up. i got the monthly pass because it seemed more practical than paying every week (and you save mula!)

my initial starting weight is 179.2 lbs and i am 5 foot 7 inches. when i saw that i was like "huh?", because at the beginning of the summer i weighed 187 pounds. since the summer started i did start my usual "i need to lose weight kick" and i started walking in the park with my friend Stacy off and on. but then we stopped. but i was still mindful of what i ate and by august 1st i weighed 181 pounds. but since then i haven't been active at all. i've been sitting in front of my computer, staying up all hours of the night and eating whatever i felt like putting in my mouth. so i don't see how i got to 179. but good, it's a starting point of even more success! :)

so let me give a little background for anyone interested. i've already shared my weight and height. so let's see. i'm 22 years old. i'm african american. i'm also a recent college graduate from Hofstra University (looking to go to grad school soon, or a job please lord!). i've always been what some would call thick or chubby. i feel like i've been dieting my whole life. as a teenager i would try fad diets because i didn't know any better (even up to now actually). you name it, i may have tried it. a year ago i tried nutrisystem for a month. i ended up losing 10 pounds but the food was disgusting and it was very expensive to keep up that lifestyle. i even tried fatloss4idiots.com. this was a few years ago. i probably lost mostly water weight but i enjoyed the fad diet at the time. i have also tried the grape fruit diet and so on....so basically, i've been there and done that and i didn't get very far anywhere! so finally i joined a program that is less like a diet and more like life style changes. i've definitely learned something through the other diets though. weight doesn't magically disappear. and it doesn't take 10 days to lose 10 pounds! it's a gradual process.

for a long time i've been debating joining weight watchers. i've had a free login on the site since august of 2002! isnt that crazy? so finally, i took the plunge and now i am a real member! my friend, trish joined 2 weeks before me and we decided to log our weight loss on youtube. here's the link to the channel: youtube.com/beautyishername22. watch!

i hate when...

people tell me i should not lose weight, and that i'm fine.

losing weight is a personal choice for me, and in the process i want to be healthy so i feel better and live longer. high blood pressure is in my family and i don't want to get it. i was told by doctors to watch my weight.

people say i can't see you any smaller, you'll look anorexic!

i definitely won't look anorexic. i'll look normal, and as i adjust to it, so shall you.

habits i'd like to kick:
eating because i'm bored
eating at 2 am...or when i SHOULD be sleeping

goals (long term):
weigh 160 (weight watchers says 147)
fit into a size 10 jeans
feel healthier

goal for this week:

waking up in the morning! (ever since i finished school this august i've been sleeping till 1 or 2 or even like a few days ago 4 pm!) that's so not good for my body. so i want to kick that habit.

so through this blog, i'll log my weight loss success, hard times, good times, what i'm eating and how i'm feeling about it. thanks if you are a supporter! i'm excited for this new journey! feel free to give me any tips or advice. :)